I offer commissioned art services at competitive prices that vary per project.
$50USD - $100USD
I specialize in Cartoon and Anime styles and offer discounts for recurring commissions. To get started, please provide us with a detailed description of what you are looking for and I will work with you to create a unique piece of art that you will love.
Terms of Service
I obtain the right to cancel a commission and not refund any payment made in the event of a violation to my terms of service.
I reserve the rights to modify, alter, and recolor stickers/sticker sketches done previously on new sticker commissions.
My artwork and commissions, no matter what CAN NOT be used as NFTs.
Can/Will Draw
armor and weapons
fantasy races
most body types
feral, anthro, humanoids
intricate outfits
gritty, dark scenes
cutesy things
painted styles adds time (and pricing)
Will Not Draw
hard gore
underage characters in sexual situations
extreme fetishes (ask if unsure)
hate art of ANY kind
non-con sexual activities
questionable content
characters without their owner's permission
When in doubt just ask, no shame.
I do NOT accept underage persons commissioning me for MATURE (18+) art. I reserve the right to refuse said commissions if I know that the customer is under 18. Purchasing any MATURE type of art from me confirms you are at least 18, and you agree to this; if this is untrue at any point, it is not my responsibility
Payment Information
I will always do my best to confirm and communicate the pricing, sending, and any commission delays.
I will need your email to use payment processing platforms.
This is the same information that said platform shows me in invoices will never use your information or name beyond the payment forms between us, and I will never share or mention it to you (unless there is an issue with it) or anyone without your express permission.
For your protection and mine, full payment is required before I begin
I can work in up to 2 installments as long as it is discussed before sending the invoice
Payment is accepted only through invoicing
The payment should be in USD; please convert it before sending it!
Tips are appreciated but not necessary!
Refunds may be given if:
I am unable to complete your commission for any given reason
I have not yet begun your commission and two months or more have passed since you have fully paid for your commission unless we have discussed prior to payment that there would be a wait. (subject to change based on size)
If a commissioner wishes for a refund, they will receive
100% if no steps have been taken at all,
50% if no inking has begun,
20% if I have finished lining.
Once the artwork is colored no refunds are available.
By paying an invoice sent to you, you automatically accept that you are paying for a digital product/service, so it’s impossible to get a physical item. You also agree to give up any attempts of chargeback, as you are confirming your access and/or ownership of the payment account related to the provided email.You are also confirming that you are the owner of this account and money, or have permission to use it fully.Any attempts of chargeback will be considered bad faith by the buyer and will result in automatic loss of character rights/art made.
If you use the digital product after getting a refund you, you are fully aware of the possibility of legal actions.The seller will also have full rights to resell the character design/ recycle the art made if chargeback is made.
References and Information
If you are giving me a reference sheet that is anything other than a digital, full body, reference sheet, know that I am not responsible for any mistakes made. I will still try my best to draw the character faithfully. Excess edits to match beyond what is presented to me at time of commission can absolutely tack on pricing, and I will let you know beforehand.Please provide all the necessary reference materials for your piece. Visual references and written references are fine; note that if the written reference is too complex/not specific enough for me to work off of, I reserve the right to add a charge onto the order and will contact you about it. Please be as specific as possible when ordering. I love to work off of artistic freedom when possible, but if you are wanting something exact, I will need exact information.Full artistic freedom is NOT permitted with stickers unless prior discussion allows it.
I reserve my right to refuse to emulate another artist's style. I work on my own style, and while references and requests to make things more cartoony/realistic is fine, asking me to "draw like [insertname]" is not.
Revisions and Edits
You will be sent a sketch in which you will be able to tell me what you want fixed/changed, removed, or added, or if I'm allowed to continue.
Anything I missed from the given information or reference on the order form(s) will be changed for free.
Any edits past 2 fixes during the sketch, will cost a fee.
Fee depends on complexity/number of extra changes. This is subject to change based on amount of the sketch that is requested to be changed.
Any edits post sketch that weren't my responsibility, will cost a fee.
Fee depends on what you want redrawn/fixed.I am not responsible for faults resulted in information you do not provide to me.
Time Frame
I get commissions done from 2 weeks to 2 months. Subject to change based on life and complexity of commissions. I have a day job and health to consider which may complicate said schedule.
Deadlines are acceptable as long as I'm warned beforehand. A minimum of 7 days from the time of ordering is required, will add pricing to skip ahead in line.
Gentle reminders every now and then are acceptable.
Copyright/Usage Policy
You may use your commissioned artwork for personal use, but cannot claim that you are the one who made it.
This includes but is not limited to, cropping the art to use for icons, banners, badges, tattoos, etc.
You may repost the commission onto your social media, but you must credit me.
If you sell your character/art, you may not charge more than what you ordered.
My art CANNOT be used for NFTs or other crypto-based platforms.
I own all rights to the artwork I have created along with the rights to post my artwork where I deem necessary to promote myself or my art.
If the commissioner chooses to keep this commission private, they must mention it during the process of ordering a commission. Privacy fees change based on commission type and complexity, to account for lack of advertising.
Using my artwork for commercially (making money off of it by any means)
Taking credit for my artwork / claiming as your own
Removing or purposefully cropping out my watermarks/signature
Editing/altering the artwork itself (without my permission first)